Daphnia-inspired Haikus

In honor of International Haiku Poetry Day 2023 (April 17th), here are several Daphnia-inspired haikus.  (Authors listed in parentheses.)

A Daphnia mother releasing two offspring. (A photo gift from P.D. Jeyasingh.)

Daphnia are cute.

Fish eat Daphnia a lot!

Poor, poor Daphnia.

(L.J. Weider)


Gift of a hand-painted water color drawing of Daphnia
(from Emily L. Kiehnau)

Swim away from fish.

Hop around and filter feed.


(D. Herrman)


A daphniid studying its diet of phytoplankton (water color by Brittany Benson). (A gift from N. Zehrbach).

Give extra credit,

For a Daphnia haiku,

Get happy students. 

(N. Zehrbach)

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